Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

naturi naughton bio

naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton and Ice
  • Naturi Naughton and Ice

  • mkrishnan
    Nov 9, 08:22 PM
    I followed it all the way up to OctaMED Pro. ;)

    Oooh, I think I remember that vaguely...But four channels was the best. You had to use up two channels at a time to actually get the sound out of both speakers. But some of the music was *amazing*... Ahhh, good old 8-bit Ensoniq guts. :)

    naturi naughton bio. sunday naturi naughton
  • sunday naturi naughton

  • padster83
    Apr 10, 04:34 PM
    absolutley brilliant, I too tring to make some kind of transition to film/animation based media from print, this is great

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton as Lil#39; Kim.
  • Naturi Naughton as Lil#39; Kim.

  • munkees
    Jun 30, 12:01 PM
    Yes, this is most disapointing. I have been wanting this app on my iPad ever since I got one. This is even more glaring since you can't even access Apple's own MobileMe site from the iPad - which is another rant entirely. :mad:

    The iPad updating of their own apps is quite sad.

    The remote app which is a must with a networked express and/or Apple TV setup would truly benefit from not only being updated to run at something other than 2x mode, but a whole new iPad UI. And it should have been ready on April 3rd when the iPad was released. Same goes true for the Gallery and iDisk apps.

    I don't want to run any Apple apps in 2x or worse 1x mode on an iPad. Likewise, just like the Settings app and others, rethink the UI instead of blowing up the image.

    I been very disappointed with :apple: support with the iPad and mobile me, they have not even got iDisk, and I though they should allow other apps to sync data with iDisk. I get the impression, Apple does not know what to do with mobileme, just like :apple:TV, products that do not integrate well into the apple solution.

    I would really like to be able to upload my photos from my iPad straight to MobileMe (without any image reduction).

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton | Leave A
  • Naturi Naughton | Leave A

  • Jolly Jimmy
    Apr 23, 07:37 AM
    You can't use a disk that came with another mac. You need to use a full retail version. Also you will need to do a clean install, you can't do an upgrade install coming from Tiger.


    naturi naughton bio. Notorious Naturi Naughton
  • Notorious Naturi Naughton

  • edesignuk
    Oct 8, 07:39 AM
    This artical refers to the Pioneer DVR-A05, already announced by Arn (, which actually even links the same information source! :) :p

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton Picture
  • Naturi Naughton Picture

  • loganbyers07
    Feb 23, 04:04 PM
    i will trade you my 16 gb ipod touch for it. :)Is it unlocked?

    Please let me know. I also have the wall charger for it. I would love to get a :apple: iphone


    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton,
  • Naturi Naughton,

  • ergdegdeg
    Mar 9, 06:27 PM
    Please look here: MacRumors Pics!

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton,
  • Naturi Naughton,

  • amberashby
    Jan 11, 10:06 AM
    Hmm... After it's done with the first CD, and it's rebooting, the CD is still in there, right? I believe that the mac continues to boot off the first CD until the second is needed. The HD isn't booted from until the installation has finished. Once it's done with the first CD, and restarts, try holding down the "C" key to ensure it doesn't try and boot from the HD.

    Well, after it reboots it is booting to the CD but it comes up with the intial install screen all over again.

    What is weird is the last thing it does before it reboots is the system optimization which I think is the very last thing that happens before the install is complete. But it is still on the first CD.

    Thanks for your response, I wasn't expecting any responses till after the Macworld hysteria calmed down.


    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton, and Keith
  • Naturi Naughton, and Keith

  • tcb9289
    Mar 12, 08:50 AM
    Target on lawndale got 5...all 3G 32 GB models. I actually ended up at the apple store around 3:30...I at the front door by 5:30. The line was pretty short when I got there, but by 5 it was wrapped all thecwayvaround and behind the building.

    I guess I got lucky...I hope you did!

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton (Lil#39; Kim)
  • Naturi Naughton (Lil#39; Kim)

  • saguakid
    Mar 11, 05:03 PM
    At least 5.0.3 works (launched it from my SL partition).

    Well I have 5.0.3 and works with many bugs like don't let add bookmarks and doesn't reopen last closed tabs completely


    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton (Stacie),
  • Naturi Naughton (Stacie),

  • grapes911
    Sep 28, 07:25 PM
    If the pc has firewire you could use target mode and speed things up.

    naturi naughton bio. Jackson » Naturi Naughton
  • Jackson » Naturi Naughton

  • WillEH
    May 5, 11:15 PM
    Hey everyone, I am looking for computing suggestions for college.


    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton,
  • Naturi Naughton,

  • Colp
    Mar 25, 04:46 PM
    Still no scanner support for MP600.....

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton,
  • Naturi Naughton,

  • lordmac
    Jan 21, 11:00 AM
    How about the airport express it's much cheaper then the extreme and can do almost anything the extreme can and more. The only disadvantage with the express over the extreme is that it can only have ten computer on its network at any given time were as the extreme can handle 50. Linsys makes some pretty good stuff too and they are less expensive but the express just has os many useful features. Plus it sense it so small you can take it with you on trips and make networks wherever you go, I do this all the time its great. :)


    naturi naughton bio. Remix) Naturi Naughton
  • Remix) Naturi Naughton

  • appleguy123
    May 16, 11:01 PM
    I think that we and 9to5mac have given this guy quite a stimulus. It's at >$500 right now.

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton as Denise
  • Naturi Naughton as Denise

  • CMelton
    Apr 26, 05:59 AM
    You could maybe get an older model white one. They were wireless and had a number pad. Like this...

    Might be able to pick a cheap one up somewhere?


    naturi naughton bio. Con Naturi Naughton, Collins
  • Con Naturi Naughton, Collins

  • jefhatfield
    Jul 7, 04:44 AM
    wow. thanks

    btw, kainjow is only id number 190 which is the oldest regular poster i can think of

    blakespot is the oldest listed at id number 9

    naturi naughton bio. This is NOT Naturi! [fansite]
  • This is NOT Naturi! [fansite]

  • brokin
    May 5, 01:48 PM
    same issue here. any app that has an iAd in it stays up when i close the program. i can respring or just wait it out until it goes away. luckily only one app i use regularly has ads. its pretty annoying and i thought it was just me.

    naturi naughton bio. Naturi Naughton,
  • Naturi Naughton,

  • Lionheart
    Oct 26, 11:40 PM
    Waiting in line for about 45 minutes...just because. Got my T-Shirt and my Family Pack.

    Oh happy day!

    Oct 17, 01:08 AM
    Originally posted by ForumApple
    HELP!! My G4 CUBE450 has gone crazy recently!

    1. It turns on and off by itself all the time.

    Feb 9, 02:43 AM
    Just thought I would share my Gun Game gameplay with you guys. I'm proud of myself after winning first place 16 times in a row :p Been playing Black Ops for under a month now.

    I will update with a second gameplay later today.

    Jun 22, 01:39 PM
    Anyone spoken to them to confirm if they have a reservation list at all? :confused:

    I checked with the store to see if they were doing pre-orders/reservations but they said that it would be on a first come, first served basis. It looks like Orange have back tracked on it as they originally said that they would be taking pre-orders.

    I was thinking of heading there for about 7/7:15 ish too. The lady I spoke to yesterday at the store said that as long as you are there by about 7:45 it should be ok but that it depends on the numbers in the queue. However she didn't know what the stock would be so it was a guess.

    Guess I'll see you there :)

    Apr 12, 02:27 AM
    There aren't a lot of unique layouts Microsoft could have used. It doesn't look unique, but neither did iTunes Store layout.

    This looks like Windows, or a Microsoft product, or a popular 3-pane layout.

    Jun 15, 08:53 PM
    As the graph is not of a parabolic function, what good would that do?

    I suppose you could argue its piece-wise, but from a drawing it's difficult to argue the curvature isn't parabolic. The division lines depicting n have no context, so we have no idea what they mean.

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